03 April 2019 - 05 April 2019
Geneva, Switzerland

Expert Group Meeting on SDG8

IIASA Acting Deputy Director General/CEO Nebojsa Nakicenovic to talk at Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Development Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all: Review of Progress and Prospects

© Danurwendho Adyakusuma on Unsplash

© Danurwendho Adyakusuma on Unsplash

The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be convened in New York from 8 to 19 July 2019. Its overall theme will be Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality. The HLPF is mandated as the central forum in the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which includes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In 2019, the HLPF will be convened both at the level of ECOSOC and the General Assembly. In particular, the ECOSOC HLPF will carry out an in-depth review of SDG 4 (education), SDG 8 (economic growth and jobs), SDG 10 (inequality), SDG 13 (climate change), and SDG 16 (peaceful societies, access to justice, effective and inclusive institutions), in addition to SDG 17, which is considered each year. The SDGs under review will be examined in terms of progress made and challenges encountered in their implementation, as well as in terms of their relationships with the rest of Agenda 2030.

In preparation for the 2019 HLPF, the Division for Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA/DSDG) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization and UN partners is organizing an Expert Group Meeting on SDG 8 progress, policies and implementation.

IIASA Acting Deputy Director General/CEO Nebojsa Nakicenovic will give a talk in Session 9 (Friday April 5, 10:45 – 12:15) on Future challenges and prospects. The session identifies potential future challenges and explores prospects for positive improvements in the coming years until 2030.


The objective of the meeting is to take stock of where we are in terms of progress towards SDG 8 through data-driven assessments; share knowledge as to success stories, collaborations, programmes, good practices and challenges; identify particular areas of concern; and suggest ways forward in terms of policies, partnerships and coordinated actions at all levels. These messages will help inform the HLPF, assist in planning its sessions, and serve to influence collaborations and programmes of work going forward from 2019.


SDG 8 specifically calls on the international community to “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”. It thus captures two main economic themes that are strongly interlinked – economic growth and employment/decent work. More people in decent jobs and healthier workforce can lead to stronger and more inclusive economic growth, and vice versa. It is a strong relationship that deserves more attention in decision-making. With the 2030 Agenda, the world has a once-in-a-generation chance to make a real change in this respect and improve the lives of billions. Putting job creation at the heart of economic policy-making and development plans, will not only generate decent work opportunities but also more robust, inclusive and poverty-reducing growth. It is a virtuous circle that is as good for the economy as it is for people and potentially for the planet as well. Decent work is both a means and an end of the 2030 Agenda.

Outcome - contribution to HLPF 2019

The meeting is expected to provide a comprehensive picture of SDG8 progress together with concrete policy recommendations. A short outcome document with key messages and recommendations emerging from the EGM will contribute to the thematic review of SDG 8 at the upcoming 2019 HLPF.
The knowledge and insights of experts—both practitioners and academics—from across the world will be crucial to addressing these questions. The EGM will serve to bring together a cross-section of such expertise from a diversity of countries and regions to help:

  • Provide substantive inputs into the thematic reviews at the HLPF and help inform its outcomes;
  • Identify cases from regions and specific countries (including those that are conducting or have conducted Voluntary National Reviews) that illustrate challenges or highlight innovative practices
  • Suggest effective presenters for the specific sessions at the HLPF, as well as contributors to blog posts, e-discussions and other activities leading up to the HLPF, and
  • Build on and influence collaborations and programmes of work going forward from 2018.

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Last edited: 03 April 2019


Nebojsa Nakicenovic

Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program


International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: (+43 2236) 807 0 Fax:(+43 2236) 71 313