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Press Releases

Cows eating breakfast on a dairy farm

28 March 2023

Climate-related costs could significantly affect largest listed livestock companies

IIASA researchers collaborated with the FAIRR Initiative – a collaborative investor network – on the development of a new IPCC-aligned climate risk analysis tool for investors. Analyses done using the new tool, show that climate-related cost increases could significantly affect the bottom lines of the largest listed livestock companies unless new strategies are urgently adopted.
Indian girls in school uniforms at school

24 March 2023

Increasing education opportunities for girls could help reduce preventable deaths in children under five

An IIASA study shows that maternal education, and particularly secondary education, plays a significant role in reducing deaths in newborns and children under five years of age in both rural and urban areas of India.
Carbon tax concept with industrial plant

23 March 2023

The global economics of climate action

Climate change has serious consequences for the environment and people and is a major threat to economic stability. A new assessment reviews innovative, integrated research that underpins the economic case for strong near-term climate action.
Young African woman with cellphone

15 March 2023

Helping young Africans innovate for climate resilience

Africa is the continent that will be most adversely affected by climate change. IIASA researchers are collaborating on Yoma OR – an ambitious project aimed at helping young people grow their digital skills as a first step on a journey from learning to earning using AI, blockchain, and crowdsourcing.
View of Hintersee lake in Bavarian Alps, Germany

01 March 2023

European conservation leaders gather to boost collective dialogue for a Trans-European Nature Network

More than 70 leading EU policy and governmental decision makers came together to lay the foundation for a bold new vision for Europe's nature protection in the first NaturaConnect stakeholder event this year.
Graph showing economic impacts of medical costs

24 February 2023

The price of cancer

A new study calculated the economic cost of cancers around the world, helping policymakers allocate resources appropriately and enact policies to curb the increase in cancer-related death and disability.
People carrying signs in Fridays for Future climate change protest.

08 February 2023

What makes people care about the environment?

A new study analyzes the factors that drive environmental concern among Europeans in an effort to understand how we can bolster popular support for combatting climate change.
Rows of seaweed on a seaweed farm

27 January 2023

Farming more seaweed to be food, feed, and fuel

New research just published in Nature Sustainability shows that expanding global seaweed farming could go a long way to addressing the planet’s food security, biodiversity loss, and climate change challenges.
Ecology, green cities help the world with eco-friendly concept

25 January 2023

Driving inclusive and green urban transitions

A new Horizon Europe project led by IIASA called Urban ReLeaf leverages citizen science for public sector innovation.