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Hongtao Ren (任宏涛)
Research scholar, IIASA

IIASA staff information

Research interests


2004.09-2007.09 PH.D in Knowledge Science ,
School of Knownledge Science,
Japan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology, Japan
2001.09-2004.06 M.S. in System Engineering,
Insititute of System Engineering,
Dalian University of Technology, China
1995.09-1999.06 B.S. in Management Engineering,
School of Management,
Dalian University of Technology, China
Employment History

ICT skills
(over 15 years programming and modeling experience)
Experiences (2007-present)
Publications (1)
Publications (2)
Publications (3)
Knowledge discovery on Web3.0 and its application in research communities
Draft ver:0.01

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