Alison Heslin

Alison Heslin of the World Population and Risk and Resilience programs focuses her research on globalization, food security, and collective action, looking specifically at the relationship between resource scarcity and conflict.

Her dissertation addressed the causes and mobilization processes of contemporary food riots based on qualitative data of riot mobilization in India and Bangladesh. She is expanding this research at IIASA using GIS mapping to understand how food, water, and climatic changes affect collective action and conflict globally.

Prior to joining IIASA, Heslin worked as a Visiting Professor at New York University. She holds a PhD in Sociology from Emory University in Atlanta, USA and is the second recipient of the IIASA Peter E. de Janosi Fellowship.  

More information

Funding: Peter E. de Janosi Fellowship

Nationality: American

Program: World Population & Risk and Resilience Programs

Dates: April 2017 – January 2019

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Last edited: 12 February 2018


Aleksandra Cofala

Capacity Development Coordinator Capacity Development and Academic Training Unit

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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